Over the past 18 years, Simon has been working within Australian procurement functions and also advising them via his role within Acquire Insights.
Based out of his consultancy work and his love for data analytics (maybe from his prior job as a Mech & Space Engineer) he developed a one stop approach to Spend Analysis for a client which has now become SpendSphere.ai
Over the past 17 years, Neil has been working within procurement and supply chain functions assisting them to leverage their data to find cost savings and efficiency improvements.
Neil supports our customers to get the most out of their Spend Analytics solution.
20 years ago, Greer began here career with Bain Consulting before joining a private equity firm and then Infosys Portland.
Greer is also the co-founder of Acquire Insights, a commercial advisory firm that specialises in large-scale procurement initiatives and for the past 10 years been critical to the development of their software and how it best supports our customers.